The mirror was enclosed in a seven by five centimeter plastic case. On the front was the the inscription: "1,000 yuan in generous aid." Inside: "Ultrasound visual painless abortion (超导可视无痛人流): It only takes 400 yuan and three minutes for the safest guarantee of love," and ""Show this mirror to the hospital and you can get a female check-up, ultrasound, expert appointment, and early pregnancy check-up free of charge." And on the back: "30% discount on all female disease treatments and surgeries (vagina tightening, maidenhead repair, ectopic pregnancy, cervical cancer). Medicine during treatment is free."
The president of the hospital, a certain Mr. Wu, told the New Culture View that the hospital used to hand out leaflets, but their effect was not very good because too many people threw them away without reading them. The hospital is now using the mirrors in the hope that people will keep them longer. Wu also said that they chose the university to distribute the ads simply because university students are their core customer group.
When I read an article like this -- I think about the thousands of families waiting to adopt children from China. For about $58 (or 400 yuan) university students can have an abortion in three minutes, meanwhile, for $25,000 USD families can wait years for a child. Things like this make no sense.
It is incomprehensible how anyone can murder a child and label it "the safest guarantee of love". Sad. Incidentally since 1973 in America? 50 million abortions.
For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb.I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.
Psalm 139:13-14