Today, I was given the opportunity to sit in front of very talented people operating really nice equipment and share the story of "why hong kong?". I have a new appreciation for anyone who does this regularly.
From the sheer amount of precision and craft that goes into the right lighting, angle, tones, etc... wow. It's a different world. It was great to see like-minded believers hard at work at a craft I know very little about.
When I did begin to share about "why hong kong?" there was a lump in my throat at one point; the familiar feeling of tears in my eyes, subtly reminding me that this burden I've known for almost two years now... is real and God-given.
Take 1. Take 2. Take 3... or 4... or 5. I lost count at one point. It happens. Right?
Driving home, my iphone battery died. I wanted to talk with April and tell her how incredibly unnatural it is to speak into a camera in a solid blue room wearing light make-up with a few people staring at your every move, and listening to your every word. Maybe I could get used to doing that...maybe not. I would feel more comfortable in front of 5000 people than 1 camera lens.
What could have been highway-induced boredom, turned into a great silence where I heard the still small Voice reminding me of priceless truth I needed to hear...like this: grace means I belong to God. After all my talking today about how grace changes lives, I needed to hear again, that grace has changed mine.
The Gospel was good news for me today. To the generous friend who made today happen, many thanks for your commitment to make the name of Jesus famous in all you do.