Take a good look at my servant. I'm backing him to the hilt. He's the one I chose, and I couldn't be more pleased with him. I've bathed him with my Spirit, my life. He'll set everything right among the nations. He won't call attention to what he does with loud speeches or gaudy parades. He won't brush aside the bruised and the hurt and he won't disregard the small and insignificant, but he'll steadily and firmly set things right. He won't tire out and quit. He won't be stopped until he's finished his work—to set things right on earth.
Far-flung ocean islands wait expectantly for his teaching."
The God Who Makes Us Alive with His Own Life the God who created the cosmos, stretched out the skies, laid out the earth and all that grows from it, Who breathes life into earth's people, makes them alive with his own life: I am God.
I have called you to live right and well. I have taken responsibility for you, kept you safe. I have set you among my people to bind them to me, and provided you as a lighthouse to the nations, To make a start at bringing people into the open, into light: opening blind eyes, releasing prisoners from dungeons, emptying the dark prisons.
I am God. That's my name. I don't franchise my glory, don't endorse the no-god idols. ISA 42
I am God. That's my name. I don't franchise my glory, don't endorse the no-god idols. ISA 42
There is a city near to our hearts, where franchised glory is the best that more than 6.5 million people know. The God Who Makes Us Alive is breathing His life into many hearts, who see the potential, recognize the coming Kingdom, and respond with "Yes Lord".
One day, we hope to walk alongside others already there to "make a start" at bringing people into light, where franchised glory dissipates, and Eternal Glory is known, loved, and enjoyed. Forever.