Before, I was dead in my transgressions. Estranged from God. Alienated.
Now, I have been rescued, redeemed, adopted into the family of God.
Before, I was powerless to choose righteousness, enslaved to sin, consumed by my flesh.
Now, I have Christ in me, living in me, being my strength, enslaved to righteousness, and my flesh has been crucified. I am dead to sin. Alive to God. Sin lives in me. Wages war in me.
But it is not me. I am His and He is my Father, my God, my Sustainer.
The new normal for us as a family, means less sleep these days, lots of dirty little diapers, different schedules,more flexibility with each other, more intentionality with all three children and each other, more responsibility.
Life is different now. This is our new normal.
Normal life this week is looking different than last week's normal life.
Before Christ, the normal was death, sin, struggle. Normal. Expected. Now in Christ, the normal for every believer has to begin with living FROM a relationship with Christ, THROUGH daily dependence on Christ, for the glory (recognition, amplification, exaltation) of Christ.
So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live (your new normal) in Him, rooted and built up in Him, strengthened in the faith you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness. Colossians 2:3-7
My new normal is to walk in hope, to love with His love, to choose right with His strength, to resist my sinfulness by His grace, and to / live / walk / act / love / think in terms of who I am in Him (my new normal).
I must have told myself to tell you congratulations 10 times last night and totally forgot. Loved how you worked this in last night, hopefully I can get the edit posted on my blog some time today. See you Sunday.
this message was so encouraging . thank you.
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