I have lots of thoughts, but the most important ones right now are honest words about how grateful we are for our family and friends. Yep. Things are a wee-bit-hectic, with the impending baby arrival, encounter starting in a new (and slightly challenging) venue in three days, unpacking our new home, and doing our best to love the two little men already in our lives, and be nice to each other as well. The thing is -- we couldn't really do any of that, and certainly not well, if it weren't for our parents, our staff team, and our friends. We haven't felt this loved and cared for in a long time -- and it's humbling. Today, at our weekly staff prayer time - I reached the end, of a rope I've consistently found the end of, and once again, I found the all-sufficient one: Jesus.
End of me = More of Jesus.
As we all prayed together, some face down, many with tears in our eyes, I realized over the past month, how tempted I can be to do stuff on my own --- all the while, there are people who genuinely care for us. Isn't it easier to care for others sometimes? It's really humbling to have people bring dinner, wash my feet, take on some of "my" responsibilities at work, to have guys spend a weekend helping me move boxes and furniture, or see our moms spend all days unpacking things for us.
A few minutes ago, April and I ate some Haagan Dazs coffee ice cream... brought to us, by one of many sweet friends who are bringing dinner this week. Thanks to each of you. It's a beautiful picture of belonging to the body of Christ.
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