Thursday, October 28, 2010


One of the things I do love about Hong Kong is the opportunity to meet so many different people from around the world. A couple weeks ago I met a new friend from NZ. In short, the guy has a passion to serve the church in a neighboring country in SE Asia. This small country in particular has experienced great suffering and hardship in recent decades, but the Church survived and is growing.

Turns out -- one of the things he is trying to do is resource some young musicians there to write and record worship songs in their own language. I'm listening to him share his heart and what he is personally doing to invest his energy and resources to help other people. All I can do is smile.

I remember what it was like several years ago in Auburn -- wanting to make encounter all it could be and not having the money or resources to pull off a worship gathering for so many students. I remember how encouraged I was when other people saw the same need and gave their resources to make it happen. Before we knew it, God provided just what we needed.

We shipped most of that sound equipment to Hong Kong -- just in case we'd need it. Who knew? While we are still trying to sell the larger items, it was clear to me that the right thing -- the most helpful thing would be to give these brothers in a nearby country what they needed to record in their own language. What did these guys need? Microphones. A pretty simple request, but a really encouraging exchange.

How's this for a thought? The same microphones that captured voices to lead students at Auburn University will soon capture voices that will move the hearts of people in SE Asia towards Him. I love it.


Robert, Lindsay, Lani and Ella said...

Love it!

Ericka B. Jackson said...


Ericka B. Jackson said...

ps- brings back fond memories of rolling mic cords and putting up equipment after Encounter with all of you.... ;)

John Pritchard said...

amazing!! love it!