Here are some of the light-hearted moments from the week:
1. We took the boys swimming and broke HK protocol on a couple levels --- first we didn't have tickets ($1.25 USD) to swim, and we confused the lifegaurd by coming to the pool with only 27 minutes remaining in the first swim session of the day. Just wait...
2. Two days later, April "accidentally" uses the mens' restroom... and guess who is in there? The same lifeguard we semi-offended 48 hours ago.
3. We saw two really interesting things while on a dinner date / stock the refrigerator adventure: a fully outfitted Toyota Landcuiser with mud-tires, elevated exhaust, and every conceivable off-road accessory. It looked like an old-row guy from Auburn got car-jacked and his car ended up on some obscure black market. Maybe not. Part two of the same day... a rather stylish Hong Kong cowboy, complete with wranglers, hat, boots, and a massive belt buckle... for the record, most beef is imported here and does it help that this guy was walking around one of the largest malls in Hong Kong? If only Longhorn Steakhouse were here...
Here are some things we are thankful for:
1. The telecommunication industry -- Yes, we do live on the other side of the world from the people most dear to us, but we have no difficulty talking. The biggest challenge? 13 hours time difference, but that is do-able. Thank you Skype and 3 Com.
2. We love where we live. The people. The neighborhood. The nearby waterfront part. Our flat. The small grocery store filled with some pretty incredible things we've never seen, and missing a lot of things we are used to seeing. Again, thank you to all of our financial partners. We are so grateful for you.
3. In the rush to get things packed, even though we spent 6 months preparing, I really began to develop a love/hate relationship with the boxes / furniture we kept. Love/hate no more. Only love. And in 5 days it arrives. Love. Love. Love.
Here are some things we keep praying for:
1. We recognize that only Jesus can redeem people from their sin and selves. So, more than anything, we want to keep our relationship with Him as most important. We are here to love people, but the outcome of loving others is an accomplishment of the power of God at work in and through us. If it this depends on us -- then we have made it about us, but if we depend on God -- then the glory belongs to the rightful Owner.
2. Eyes to see / ears to hear. The other day, I was sitting at Starbucks trying to wrap my brain around all that was going on in my heart... I felt God impress on my heart, "Look up"... and so, I did. No sooner than I did, and a young women sitting across from me asked, "Is that a Bible?" ... and then we talked for about 20 minutes. I almost didn't look up...
3. Wisdom and unity as more of the team members arrive in HK over the next several weeks.
1 comment:
really missing you guys. hope to talk with ya'll soon.
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