Monday, December 15, 2008

the next few.

We're here. The annual season of slightly slowing down to be with friends and family, and more importantly remember that heaven invaded earth some 2000 years ago. Really, that is pretty amazing. And, really, that is the understatement of all time. 

Nonetheless, I find myself with not much to say. April thinks its normal. I think I need some time to think, about that being normal, and really what life looks like between now and moving to Hong Kong. I know the basics, preparing a team, raising needed funds, and being a father and a husband. But, as my wife has kindly reminded me, I am entering into a new season, one where I do not have / nor cannot enjoy a weekly speaking engagement. Interesting. No doubt, the time spent preparing for encounter, and the life-changing moments that have added up to 7 years is hard to put into words.

Yes, for sure, I already miss it. Seeing Jake, Paul, and Dave playing tonight with Martha's Trouble was great. But, really, if I'm honest. I miss those guys. I miss the ridiculously late nights in the AUMC parking lot, watching Paul climb the light poles, dreaming about the future, like church planting in Auburn. What?!?! -- We came closer to that than many people may think. I think to be able to look back and see all that God has done, and all that God in His mercy and wisdom, has NOT allowed to happen, is really encouraging. 

The bottom line: Life is changing for me personally. I'm not really sure anyone could have prepped me for this little season. There is a certain undefined emptiness in my heart. But even as I write this, my eyes are burning because I haven't taken my contacts out, and its really late, and I am really thankful for that bit of emptiness, because it is pushing me towards Him. The vision He's placed in me, to see HK students united in Him, is certainly worth a season of not knowing much, for His namesake. 

Jesus? Unchanging. Eternal.
Marriage? Stable. She is the best. Ever. 
Parenthood? Steady as we go. I love these little people.
Family? Supporting and great. So thankful.
Friendship? Yep. Still there.
Me? In process. 

So, my simple prayer during these next few weeks is to be intentional with the God who knows me and cares for me, more than anyone else. It is only from the fullness of relationship I have with Him, that anything else looking like love and peace can flow. I'm trusting Him for that. 

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